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Workshop: Angular in the JAMstack

by ng-conf

In this workshop, we’ll cover the core concepts and benefits of the JAMstack, so you can confidently tell your co-workers, “I know exactly what the JAMstack is!”

What you'll learn

The JAMstack is a modern architecture that helps you create secure, dynamic sites faster. It uses JavaScript, APIs and prerendered Markup, served without web servers. Using Angular on the JAMstack is a “ripe” concept that’s taking off fast. This workshop will cover the core concepts and benefits of the JAMstack, so you can confidently tell your co-workers, “I know exactly what the JAMstack is!” You'll learn how to code individual JAMstack sites using Angular and how to handle search, forms, data, serverless functions, and more, all through coding out an application deployed with CI/CD for you to show off to friends and family.

Table of contents

Workshop: Angular in the JAMstack

About the author

ng-conf is the world’s largest conference devoted specifically to Angular.

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