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ng-conf '19: Unit Testing Angular

Unit Testing Angular | Joe Eames

ng-conf - Pluralsight course - ng-conf '19: Unit Testing Angular
by ng-conf

What you'll learn

Unit testing Angular requires learning specific tools and techniques. In this workshop, we will cover the basics of unit testing, how to use these tools, and best practices for unit testing. In addition to learning how to write tests, we will also discuss various forms of testing, such as TDD, and discuss where a given method is appropriate. We will also cover how to keep your tests maintainable so that they can be worked on by other developers months and years later. In this workshop, you will learn how to: write effective unit tests; test Angular services, pipes, and components; write isolated tests against an Angular application; write integration tests to bridge components and their templates; and use Angular helper utilities for unit testing. What you’ll need: your own laptop – you will be hands-on building and testing code; a basic understanding of Angular – the course does not teach Angular; and a desire to make the world a better place (through testing).

Table of contents

About the author

ng-conf - Pluralsight course - ng-conf '19: Unit Testing Angular

ng-conf is the world's first and largest Angular conference.

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