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ng-conf '19: Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js
Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js | Asim Hussain
What you'll learn
Learn how to build and train Neural Networks using the most popular machine learning framework for JavaScript, TensorFlow.js. This is a practical workshop where you’ll learn “hands-on” by building 5 different applications from scratch using TensorFlow.js. First, you'll learn all about the 'essential mathematics'. Next, you'll explore just what Neural Networks are. Finally, you'll explore how to find, convert, load, and use pre-trained models from the internet. By the end of this course, you'll know how to build and train a Neural Network to solve regression and classification tasks. If you have ever been interested in Machine Learning, if you want to get a taste for what this exciting field has to offer, if you want to be able to talk to other Machine Learning/AI specialists in a language they understand, then this workshop is for you.
Table of contents
About the author
ng-conf is the world's first and largest Angular conference.
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