- Core Tech
ng-conf '19: Angular Elements to Make the Best React Components
Angular Elements Make The Best React Components | Bran McAlister & Ryan Chenkie
What you'll learn
Reusable components are a great idea. That is until you find yourself working in a React app and you’re unable to reuse the great Angular components you’ve already built. Thankfully, there’s a way around this. If you need to support multiple frontend frameworks, you can harness the power of Angular Elements to do just that and build reusable shared components that will drop right in your app. In this talk, we’ll show you how you can manage components across different frontend frameworks and keep everyone happy.
ng-conf is a three-day Angular conference focused on delivering the highest quality training in the Angular JavaScript framework. 1500+ developers from across the globe converge on Salt Lake City, UT every year to attend talks and workshops by the Angular team and community experts.
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ng-conf is the world's first and largest Angular conference.
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