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Network Basics with Python

This course will prepare you to design and deploy Python solutions as part of a network security toolkit. This includes a review of its use to create different TCP and UDP clients and servers, as well as a review of the creation of a basic network sniffing tool.

Sean Wilkins  - Pluralsight course - Network Basics with Python
by Sean Wilkins

What you'll learn

In this course, Network Basics with Python, you’ll learn about several concepts that enable a network security engineer/consultant to design and deploy solutions that aid in their day-to-day activities and help expand on their potential abilities. First, you’ll review the basics of the Python Socket module and how it can be used to interact with networking resources. Next, you’ll learn how to build a basic TCP and UDP client and server and show how they can be extended to transfer files. Next, you’ll learn how to extend on these capabilities by using the Paramiko module to add SSH and secure tunneling. Next, you’ll learn about how to use this knowledge to implement a basic proxy server. Next, you’ll learn about the creation of a network discovery tool that can be used to map out a simple network. Then, you’ll move on and cover the creation of a packet capture utility. Finally, you’ll learn about how to take this knowledge and information and decode it so that it can be formatted into a useful format. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge required to build basic network tools in Python that can then be used to extend your security toolkit. .

Table of contents

About the author

Sean Wilkins  - Pluralsight course - Network Basics with Python
Sean Wilkins

Sean Wilkins is an accomplished networking consultant and writer for infoDispersion ( who has been in the IT field for over 20 years working with several large enterprises.

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