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Microsoft 365 Administration: Deploying and Managing an M365 Tenant

by Brian Alderman

This course will teach you how to create, configure, manage, and monitor a Microsoft 365 tenant, as well as discover several ways to manage access to M365, or specific workloads in M365, by using user accounts, groups, M365 roles, and licenses.

What you'll learn

Unravel the secrets of seamless management and security as you gain essential skills in deploying and administering a Microsoft 365 tenant. In this course, Microsoft 365 Administration: Deploying and Managing an M365 Tenant, you’ll learn how to create, configure, manage, monitor, and secure your Microsoft365 tenant. First, you’ll discover how to create, configure, and monitor a new tenant. Next, you’ll explore how to manage access to your new tenant by creating and managing accounts, groups, and licenses individually, and in bulk by using PowerShell. Finally, you’ll learn how to manage access and secure your tenant by using M365 and Azure AD (AAD) roles, administrative units, and implementing privileged identity management for your AAD roles. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to deploy and manage a Microsoft 365 tenant using what you learned to successfully implement, configure, and secure a Microsoft 365 tenant.

About the author

Brian Alderman is a Microsoft MVP, and has his Master's in Computer Information Systems. Since 1995, he has held several Microsoft certifications that currently include; MCT, MCSE for SharePoint, MCSA for Office 365, MCITP for SQL Server(R), MCSA and MCSE for Windows Server(R), and also his PMP certification. As a Senior Technical Instructor and Consultant, he has 30 years of experience in networking, SQL Server databases, SharePoint technologies, and project management. Brian's publications inc... more

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