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Monitoring .NET Applications with NLog

Get ready to learn how to identify and fix problems in your production code using NLog!

Nick Coombs - Pluralsight course - Monitoring .NET Applications with NLog
by Nick Coombs

What you'll learn

NLog is a free logging platform for various .NET platforms. In this course, Monitoring .NET Applications with NLog, you will gain the ability to setup monitoring in your .NET application. First, you will learn how to set up NLog from NuGet and Source. Next, you will discover how to properly organize your log data. Finally, you will explore how to use log viewers to get the most of your log data. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of logging and NLog needed to monitor your production applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Nick Coombs - Pluralsight course - Monitoring .NET Applications with NLog
Nick Coombs

Nick has been a software engineer for well over a decade. He has written software for the banking, inventory, and security industries. Over the years, he has had to communicate technical issues to people in marketing, management and other non technical roles. He has developed a style of teaching where he explains abstract and complicated subjects using every day objects and experiences that anyone can relate to.

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