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Modeling Organic and Complex Shapes Using T-Splines in Rhino

In this Rhino tutorial, we'll understand how to use T-Splines to model complex organic shapes in Rhino. Software required: Rhino 5, T-Splines, Keyshot 5.

What you'll learn

In this Rhino tutorial, we'll understand how to use T-Splines to model complex organic shapes in Rhino. We'll go through specific techniques and capabilities in the program that'll allow you create the shape you want. We'll discuss how to convert our mesh and be able to blend the surfaces seamlessly with a NURBS surface in Rhino. By the end of this Rhino training, you'll be able to model a concept from reference images and successfully create complex surfaces within using T-Splines. Software required: Rhino 5, T-Splines, Keyshot 5.

Table of contents