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Model Training: Best Practices for Data Practitioners

by Axel Sirota

Pre-trained models are used everywhere right now to add AI functionalities to products. But have you wondered how they are trained? This course will teach you from start to finish the process of going from an idea and a dataset to a trained model.

What you'll learn

Machine Learning is everywhere. Everyday more AI capabilities are added to every product, so to keep up to date you need to master that skill. In this course, Model Training: Best Practices for Data Practitioners, you’ll gain the ability to train a model to solve such AI problems. First, you’ll explore the model lifecycle and data preparation strategies. Next, you’ll discover how to train and select models. Finally, you’ll learn how to keep up to date with trends. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of model training needed to add any AI feature to any product when needed.

About the author

Axel Sirota is a Microsoft Certified Trainer with a deep interest in Deep Learning and Machine Learning Operations. He has a Masters degree in Mathematics and after researching in Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning optimisation, he works as an AI and Cloud Consultant as well as being an Author and Instructor at Pluralsight, Develop Intelligence, and O'Reilly Media.

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