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Migrating Applications from AngularJS 1 to Angular

AngularJS was the most widely used front-end framework of its time, but its time has gone. This course will teach you to migrate your AngularJS applications to Angular with minimal fuss and minimal risk.

Joe Eames - Pluralsight course - Migrating Applications from AngularJS 1 to Angular
by Joe Eames

What you'll learn

AngularJS was an incredibly popular framework, but it has become somewhat outdated with the advent of Angular. In this course, Migrating Applications from AngularJS 1 to Angular, you'll learn how to maximize their lifetimes by migrating your AngularJS applications to Angular. First, you'll discover how to run a hybrid application with both frameworks running side by side. Then, you'll explore how to migrate pieces of the application slowly and safely from AngularJS to Angular with little to no risk. Finally, you'll delve into migrating from the old AngularJS router to the new Angular router, one route at a time. By the end of this course, you'll be prepared to efficiently migrate applications of any size from AngularJS to Angular.

Table of contents

About the author

Joe Eames - Pluralsight course - Migrating Applications from AngularJS 1 to Angular
Joe Eames

Joe has been a web developer for the last 13 of his 16+ years as a professional developer. He has specialized in front end and middle tier development . Although his greatest love is writing code, he also enjoys teaching and speaking about code.

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