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Preparing for Migration from AngularJS 1 to Angular (2+)

Migrating from Angular 1 to Angular 2 doesn't have to be a headache. This course teaches you how to prepare and migrate your AngularJS (version 1.x) applications to Angular (version 2 and above) using the easiest and lowest-risk methods available.

Joe Eames - Pluralsight course - Preparing for Migration from AngularJS 1 to Angular (2+)
by Joe Eames

What you'll learn

Angular is here, and it's amazing. You'd like to get your Angular 1 applications moved over to Angular 2, but for many of those applications, a full rewrite isn't a possibility. So migrating slowly, piece by piece, is the right answer. This course will walk you through that process, showing you how to migrate in a way that minimizes risk, and lets you migrate while continuing to maintain your applications. First, you'll learn how to prepare your code and follow the Style Guide. Next, you'll prepare tools and processes such as Typescript and ES6. Finally, you'll learn how to add Angular 2 to your application (including installing ng2 and and introducing jpsm to the build) and learn about migration--how to choose what migrates, and how to actually migrate services and components. By the end of this course, you'll be able to incorporate Angular 2 into your applications and make the transition with ease.

Table of contents

About the author

Joe Eames - Pluralsight course - Preparing for Migration from AngularJS 1 to Angular (2+)
Joe Eames

Joe has been a web developer for the last 13 of his 16+ years as a professional developer. He has specialized in front end and middle tier development . Although his greatest love is writing code, he also enjoys teaching and speaking about code.

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