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Developing Applications for Microsoft Teams: Playbook

You can build applications for Microsoft Teams to facilitate effective collaboration. This course will teach you how to develop the four different types of apps that Microsoft Teams supports, how they interact with Teams, and how you can deploy them.

Matthew Soucoup - Pluralsight course - Developing Applications for Microsoft Teams: Playbook
by Matthew Soucoup

What you'll learn

Microsoft Teams has experienced explosive growth over the past year as more organizations find they need to create applications to run within Teams to help their employees collaborate and make their workflows easier. in this course, Developing Applications for Microsoft Teams: Playbook, you will how to develop the four different types of applications that Microsoft Teams supports, how each application interacts with the Teams client, when to use each, and how to get the application into the hands of your users - and teammates.

Table of contents

About the author

Matthew Soucoup - Pluralsight course - Developing Applications for Microsoft Teams: Playbook
Matthew Soucoup

Matthew is a Microsoft and Xamarin MVP from Madison, WI. He has been developing mobile applications with Xamarin and Mono.iOS and Mono.Droid since 2010. Matt regularly speaks at user groups, code camps and conferences throughout the nation and the Midwest.

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