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Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer: Explore and Analyze Data

by Thomas LeBlanc

How can you use a Fabric workspace to query Azure Data Lake for analytics? This course will teach you how to use SQL and a query designer to extract data through lakehouse and warehouse artifacts in Fabric, and will help you pass the DP-600 exam.

What you'll learn

In order to pass the Microsoft DP-600 exam, you will need to learn how to use SQL or the query designer to extract analytical information from a warehouse and lakehouse artifact.

In this course, Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer: Explore and Analyze Data, you’ll gain the ability to navigate and query data in Fabric lakehouses and warehouses to solve analytical queries. First, you will explore the Fabric service workspace enabled on a capacity. Next, you will open a lakehouse artifact to query data in a connected data lake through the new SQL query and new visual query panes. Next, you will transition to the warehouse artifact and use the tree view list to examine data from a data lake. Finally, you will discover the SQL endpoint exposed by Fabric to use SQL Server Management Studio or Azure Data Studio to query the same data.

When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Microsoft Fabric analytics engineering needed to pass the DP-600 exam section on analyzing and querying data.

About the author

Thomas LeBlanc (Microsoft Data Platform MVP) is a Data Enthusiast in Baton Rouge, La. He started his IT career as a COBOL programmer in 1989 while at LSU. Since then he has spent years as a developer, DBA and Data Warehousing/Business Intelligence Architect. Community involve includes the local SQL Server and Analytics User Groups as well as SQLSaturday. Speaking engagements have been a blessing at SQL Pass Summit, Live 360, VSLive and IT Dev Connections.

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