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Perform Basic Statistical Analysis in Microsoft Excel

Learn the essentials of statistical analysis in Microsoft Excel. This course will teach you how to calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation using Excel functions, enabling you to analyze and interpret data effectively.

Amruta Mahajan - Pluralsight course - Perform Basic Statistical Analysis in Microsoft Excel
by Amruta Mahajan

What you'll learn

Understanding basic statistical analysis is crucial for interpreting data effectively.

In this course, Perform Basic Statistical Analysis in Microsoft Excel, you'll learn how to calculate mean, median, mode, and standard deviation using Excel functions. You'll explore new functions like MODE.MULT, MODE.SNGL, and STDEV.S to enhance your data analysis skills.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a better understanding of how to use Excel to perform fundamental statistical analysis, enabling you to analyze and interpret data to gain meaningful insights.

Table of contents

About the author

Amruta Mahajan - Pluralsight course - Perform Basic Statistical Analysis in Microsoft Excel
Amruta Mahajan

Amruta is a data Analyst & Excel VBA ninja who's worked with market leaders in Finance & Consumer Goods. She is passionate about sharing her gift for data manipulation and visualization.

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