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Microsoft Entra Fundamentals

by Tim Warner

Least privilege access is critical to any business operating in today’s ultra-connected world. This course teaches you what Microsoft Entra is, what problems the solution solves, and how to plan for and implement it in your hybrid cloud environment.

What you'll learn

Microsoft Entra is a unified, multi-faced identity and access solution that supports native cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud environments. In this course, Microsoft Entra Fundamentals, you’ll learn to leverage Microsoft Entra to protect your valuable hybrid cloud business identities and assets. First, you’ll explore Azure Active Directory. Next, you’ll discover Microsoft Entra Permissions Management. Finally, you’ll learn how to plan and implement a Microsoft Entra Verified ID solution. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Microsoft Entra needed to protect your business assets and secure every identity you support.

About the author

Timothy Warner is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Cloud and Datacenter Management who is based in Nashville, TN. His professional specialties include Microsoft Azure, cross-platform PowerShell, and all things Windows Server-related. You can reach Tim via Twitter (@TechTrainerTim), LinkedIn or his blog,

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