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Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Immersive Reader

Almost 1 in 10 people have some symptoms of dyslexia. How about language learners? Is your organization’s website accessible to these individuals? This course will teach you how to improve your website accessibility using the Azure Immersive Reader.

Reza Salehi - Pluralsight course - Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Immersive Reader
by Reza Salehi

What you'll learn

Are you planning to improve your website’s accessibility for language learners and visitors with dyslexia? In this course, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Immersive Reader, you’ll learn to improve the reading comprehension for these visitors. First, you’ll explore the Immersive Reader API features in order to improve reading comprehension. Next, you’ll discover how to provision and configure an Immersive Reader resource in Azure. Finally, you’ll see how to integrate the Immersive Reader API into your website. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Azure Cognitive Services Immersive Reader needed to make your website accessible to visitors with diverse reading skills.

Table of contents

About the author

Reza Salehi - Pluralsight course - Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Immersive Reader
Reza Salehi

Reza, is a Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS architect, developer and trainer. He continues helping his clients with cloud-native solutions while sharing his expertise with other developers through training and mentoring.

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