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Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Bing Spell Check API

Real time spelling and grammar correction that works across multiple languages can make your app stand out. Bing Spell Check uses advanced machine learning to perform context-aware spell checking. Find out how to use it in this course.

James Millar - Pluralsight course - Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Bing Spell Check API
by James Millar

What you'll learn

Providing real time spelling and grammar correction that works across multiple languages (and is always learning) can really make your application stand out and enhance the experience of your users. In this course, Microsoft Cognitive Services: Bing Spell Check API, you'll gain the knowledge necessary to add real time spelling and grammar correction to your app using the Bing Spell Check API. First, you will learn about the key foundations of Bing Spell Check. Next, you will build on that knowledge as you explore how to make requests with Bing Spell Check using the different spelling modes. Finally, you will learn how to interpret the results of a Bing Spell Check request and display those results in your application. When you’re finished with this course, you will have all the skills you need to infuse your applications with the advanced spelling and grammar checking available with Microsoft Cognitive Services Bing Spell Check.

Table of contents

About the author

James Millar - Pluralsight course - Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Bing Spell Check API
James Millar

James Millar is a freelance software developer based in Malmesbury, England. He has a passion for the cloud and has designed services that handle millions of transactions every day.

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