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Product Visualization with Maya and Arnold

Product visualization is very important when it comes to your pipeline. This course will cover creating a product render for advertisement. Software required: Maya 2017, Arnold, Photoshop CC.

Kirt Haymore - Pluralsight course - Product Visualization with Maya and Arnold
by Kirt Haymore

What you'll learn

Learn all about product visualization with Maya and Arnold. In this course, Product Visualization with Maya and Arnold, you'll focus on the lighting, texturing, and final render output of our product. First, you'll learn exposure values to control illumination within your scene and color temperature to control the output color of your lights. Next, you'll explore real world values in your shaders and texture maps, specifically IOR, reflectance at normal, and specular color. Then, you'll use Maya's render setup to create object IDs, masks, and ambient occlusion layers. Finally, you'll take your final image into Photoshop CC to make white balance adjustments along with other lighting adjustments. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills needed to produce an image for any product visualization, whether that be for digital or print. Software required: Maya 2017, Arnold, Photoshop CC.

Table of contents

About the author

Kirt Haymore - Pluralsight course - Product Visualization with Maya and Arnold
Kirt Haymore

Kirt is a 3D Generalist with several years of experience. He has a passion for photography and striving for realism in 3D renders.

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