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Materials in Vue

In this series of Vue tutorials, we'll learn the fundamentals of how to create beautiful materials in Vue by breaking down the basic and advance material editor. Software required: Vue 10 xStream.

Joshua Kinney - Pluralsight course - Materials in Vue
by Joshua Kinney

What you'll learn

In this series of Vue tutorials, we'll learn the fundamentals of how to create beautiful materials in Vue by breaking down the basic and advance material editor. We'll cover how to create the overall look of our materials by exploring the color and alpha panel. After that we'll move into working with bumps and displacements to add depth to our materials. Now once that we've become more comfortable with creating materials, we'll dive into working with transparencies, reflection, translucency, and effects. Finally we'll learn how to utilize the different types of materials like mixed, volumetric, ecosystem, and layered materials. Software required: Vue 10 xStream.

Table of contents

About the author

Joshua Kinney - Pluralsight course - Materials in Vue
Joshua Kinney

Joshua is a devoted games author at Pluralsight. For years Joshua was a key author behind Digital-Tutors' (now a Pluralsight company) popular game engine training. As a kid, he had a passion for playing video games, which eventually developed into a fascination with the process of game creation. The question of "How'd they do that?" led Joshua on a quest to learn to make these games himself. Ever since then, Joshua has devoted his life to creating games, as well as teaching others to build their own fantastic video games.

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