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Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles with Oracle

In Oracle, your application objects and codebase are all stored in tablespaces. Tablespaces comprise Data files. So knowing how to manage tablespaces and datafiles is an absolute imperative, especially if you’re a DBA.

Agaba Philip - Pluralsight course - Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles with Oracle
by Agaba Philip

What you'll learn

Once you’ve mastered Oracle’s architecture with the course, Understanding Database Architecture with Oracle, and learned to work with Oracle instances in the course, Managing Databases with Oracle, you pretty much have the Oracle essentials locked down.

In this course, Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles with Oracle, you'll start by understanding the purpose of tablespaces.

First, you'll explore how to rename a tablespace, and even change its mode of operation.

Next, you'll discover what happens when you no longer need a tablespace.

Finally, you'll learn how to view tablespace information, as well as how to move data files around.

By the end of this course, you'll have an understanding of how how to simplify the management of the underlying tablespaces and datatables with Oracle.

Table of contents

About the author

Agaba Philip - Pluralsight course - Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles with Oracle
Agaba Philip

I'm a Linux aficionado. I deploy it to clients looking to build new solutions or migrate existing services. I teach it to students about to enter the job market, and I recommend it to anyone looking to get their start in IT.

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