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Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Model Evaluation

by Google Cloud

This course equips machine learning practitioners with the essential tools, techniques, and best practices for evaluating both generative and predictive AI models.

What you'll learn

This course equips machine learning practitioners with the essential tools, techniques, and best practices for evaluating both generative and predictive AI models. Model evaluation is a critical discipline for ensuring that ML systems deliver reliable, accurate, and high-performing results in production. Participants will gain a deep understanding of various evaluation metrics, methodologies, and their appropriate application across different model types and tasks. The course will emphasize the unique challenges posed by generative AI models and provide strategies for tackling them effectively. By leveraging Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, participants will learn how to implement robust evaluation processes for model selection, optimization, and continuous monitoring.

About the author

Google Cloud can help solve your toughest problems and grow your business. With Google Cloud, their infrastructure is your infrastructure. Their tools are your tools. And their innovations are your innovations.

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