Table of contents
9m 38s
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About This Course | 2m 24s
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About The Instructor | 1m 4s
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How to Use the Linux Academy Cloud Playground for this Course | 6m 10s
2h 45m 16s
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What is Vagrant? | 3m 4s
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Installing Vagrant | 3m 40s
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Vagrant Commands Part 1 | 9m 56s
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Vagrant Commands Part 2 | 3m 39s
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Vagrantfiles Part 1 | 6m 10s
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Vagrantfiles Part 2 | 3m 43s
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Accessing Vagrant VMs | 2m 35s
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Defining Multiple Machines in Vagrant | 2m 27s
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Vagrant Provisioning | 10m 2s
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QUIZ: Vagrant
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Installing Vagrant on CentOS | 1h 0m
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Using Vagrant and Docker to Build a Dev Environment | 1h 0m
Vagrant Boxes
25m 49s
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What are Vagrant Boxes? | 4m 38s
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Creating a Base Box | 14m 12s
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Vagrant Box Commands | 4m 47s
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Box File Format | 2m 12s
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QUIZ: Vagrant Boxes
Packer and Cloud Init
1h 27m 14s
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What is Packer? | 9m 10s
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Installing Packer | 1m 17s
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Creating a Packer Template | 11m 10s
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What is Cloud Init? | 5m 37s
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QUIZ: Packer and Cloud Init
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Using Packer to Create an AMI | 1h 0m
Configuration Management with Ansible, Puppet, and Chef
1h 25m 30s
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What is Configuration Management? | 5m 19s
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What is Puppet? | 4m
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Chef | 9m 28s
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What is Ansible? | 4m 17s
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Ansible Vault | 2m 26s
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QUIZ: Configuration Management
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Exchange SSH Keys and Run Ansible Playbooks | 1h 0m
Docker and Kubernetes
3h 45m 29s
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What is Docker? | 4m 39s
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Docker Images | 5m 31s
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Docker Volumes | 7m 45s
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Docker Networks | 7m 24s
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Using Dockerfiles | 5m 14s
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What is Kubernetes? | 2m 32s
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Configuring Kubernetes | 2m 50s
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Pod, ReplicaSets, and Deployments | 9m 34s
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QUIZ: Docker and Kubernetes
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Creating a Dockerfile | 1h 0m
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Working with Docker Volumes | 1h 0m
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Working with Docker Networks | 1h 0m
Docker Compose
1h 14m 11s
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Installing Docker Compose | 1m 29s
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Docker Compose Commands | 6m 31s
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Creating A Docker Compose File | 6m 11s
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QUIZ: Docker Compose
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Setting Up an Environment with Docker Compose | 1h 0m
Docker Swarm And Docker Machine
1h 36m 21s
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What is Docker Swarm? | 8m 30s
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Docker Swarm Commands | 6m 30s
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Creating a Docker Swarm Service | 7m 42s
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What is Docker Machine? | 3m 42s
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Installing Docker Machine | 2m 54s
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Docker Machine Commands | 7m 3s
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QUIZ: Docker Swarm and Docker Machine
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Working with Docker Swarm | 1h 0m
Modern Software Development
32m 29s
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RESTful APIs | 9m 11s
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Service Oriented Architecture | 3m 36s
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Microservices | 6m 3s
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Agile | 3m 55s
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Test Driven Development | 9m 44s
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QUIZ: Modern Software Development
CI/CD and Jenkins
1h 40m 1s
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What is Continuous Integration | 3m 30s
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Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment | 3m 31s
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What is Jenkins? | 5m 24s
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Artifact Repositories | 6m 21s
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Installing Jenkins | 3m 4s
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Jenkins Plugins | 2m 14s
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Setting up a Jenkins Slave | 8m 9s
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Using Parameters in a Job | 5m 13s
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Creating a Build Job to Execute Tests | 2m 35s
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QUIZ: CI/CD and Jenkins
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Building a Docker Image using Packer and Jenkins | 1h 0m
1h 52m 19s
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What is Git? | 5m 31s
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Git Commands Line Basics | 10m 30s
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Managing Files with Git | 13m 47s
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Branching and Merging | 9m 21s
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Git Submodules | 6m 13s
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Dealing with Conflicts | 3m 19s
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Tagging in Git | 3m 38s
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Pushing a File to a GitHub Repository | 1h 0m
Deploying Code to Production
8m 9s
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Immutable Servers | 3m 58s
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Blue-Green Deployments | 2m 13s
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Canary Deployments | 1m 58s
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QUIZ: Deploying Code to Production
Standard Components and Platforms for Software
12m 6s
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Content Delivery Network | 3m 54s
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Cloud Foundry | 3m 21s
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OpenStack | 4m 51s
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QUIZ: Standard Components and Platforms for Software
Cross Site Scripting, ACID and CAP Theorem
25m 7s
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Cross Site Scripting | 5m 7s
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CORS Headers | 7m 24s
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CSRF Tokens | 4m 39s
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CAP Theorem | 2m 19s
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ACID and BASE | 5m 38s
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QUIZ: Cross Site Scripting, ACID and CAP Theorem
Prometheus and Logstash
1h 13m
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What is Prometheus? | 5m 45s
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What is Logstash? | 7m 15s
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QUIZ: Understand Prometheus and Logstash
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Working with Logstash | 1h 0m
2m 38s
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Conclusion | 2m 38s
About the author
The Cloud Content team comprises subject matter experts hyper focused on services offered by the leading cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, and Azure), as well as cloud-related technologies such as Linux and DevOps. The team is thrilled to share their knowledge to help you build modern tech solutions from the ground up, secure and optimize your environments, and so much more!
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