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Linux Server Skills for Windows Administrators

The impact of Linux on the server market is way too big to ignore. Don't fight it: learn what you'll need to join in.

David Clinton - Pluralsight course - Linux Server Skills for Windows Administrators
by David Clinton

What you'll learn

As more and more Internet server operations move to Linux, getting started - even for experienced Windows administrators - can involve picking up a lot of new skills. Join Linux sysadmin David Clinton and learn how to launch and connect to a Linux instance running on AWS, install web server and document sharing software, and securely open it all up for your users.

Table of contents

About the author

David Clinton - Pluralsight course - Linux Server Skills for Windows Administrators
David Clinton

David taught high school for twenty years, worked as a Linux system administrator for five years, and has been writing since he could hold a crayon between his fingers. His childhood bedroom wall has since been repainted.

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