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Introduction to the Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam

This brief course will introduce you to the rest of the Linux Essentials (Exam 010-160) learning path. The path gives you everything you'll need to prepare for and pass the Linux Professional Institute's introduction to Linux administration cert.

David Clinton - Pluralsight course - Introduction to the Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam
by David Clinton

What you'll learn

This introductory course will help set you on the path to adding some serious Linux skills to your IT profile to jump-start your career. In this course, Introduction to the Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam, you will be introduced to the exam’s objectives and overall structure. First, you will learn how the exam is designed to guide you toward an excellent balance of the skills necessary to perform core administration tasks. Next, you will discover how these courses are organized as they relate to exam objectives. When you’re finished with this course, you will know how to navigate through the courses to find exactly what you need and you’ll be one big step closer to your Linux administration goals.

Table of contents

About the author

David Clinton - Pluralsight course - Introduction to the Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam
David Clinton

David taught high school for twenty years, worked as a Linux system administrator for five years, and has been writing since he could hold a crayon between his fingers. His childhood bedroom wall has since been repainted.

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