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Getting Started with Linkerd Service Mesh

by Justin Boyer

Microservices provide many benefits but come with new challenges. This course will teach you how to use the Linkerd service mesh to help you run your services hosted on Kubernetes reliably and securely.

What you'll learn

You’ve deployed your microservice application, but how do you manage its health? In this course, Getting Started with Linkerd Service Mesh, you’ll learn to add reliability, security, and observability to your Kubernetes-hosted microservices. First, you’ll explore how to gather “golden metrics” for your microservices. Next, you’ll discover how to secure pod-to-pod communication with mTLS. Finally, you’ll learn how to run Linkerd in production. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Linkerd needed to bring the benefits of service meshes to your organization.

About the author

Justin Boyer writes copy and content for tech companies. He started his IT career as a software developer, then moved into application security, becoming Security+ and CSSLP certified. After almost a decade in the tech industry building desktop, mobile, web, and cloud-based applications, Justin has launched a tech writing business to help software and security companies sell their products and services.

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