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Learning ExpressionEngine

This course will cover basic training for ExpressionEngine, including how to build a website from beginning to end in ExpressionEngine. If you're new to ExpressionEngine and are looking for that "light bulb moment," this series is for you.

Ryan Irelan - Pluralsight course - Learning ExpressionEngine
by Ryan Irelan

What you'll learn

Follow along as we build the "Channel University" website on ExpressionEngine. We'll start from the very beginning by installing ExpressionEngine and then configure our site, working all the way through until we have a basic, working website. This course will get you up and running quickly and put you on the right path to becoming an ExpressionEngine pro.

Table of contents

About the author

Ryan Irelan - Pluralsight course - Learning ExpressionEngine
Ryan Irelan

Ryan is the founder of Mijingo and former Vice President of Technology at Happy Cog, one of the premiere web design agencies, where he helped manage web projects for some of the most prominent brands in the world. Ryan has authored two books and numerous video courses for web designers and developers.

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