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Learning Craft

Watch as we build a website in the brand new Craft CMS. Learning Craft covers everything from installation, to asset management, to templating. Need a primer on using Craft? This course is for you.

Ryan Irelan - Pluralsight course - Learning Craft
by Ryan Irelan

What you'll learn

Craft is a CMS from Pixel & Tonic. The folks at Pixel & Tonic cut their teeth doing commercial add-on development for the ExpressionEngine CMS. After almost a year after releasing Craft 1, they are now out with Craft 2. Craft is built atop the Yii framework. It approaches content management with the attitude that you define the containers for your content, not the software. Along with a powerful template language (powered by Twig), you can create reusable template code for your site.

Table of contents

About the author

Ryan Irelan - Pluralsight course - Learning Craft
Ryan Irelan

Ryan is the founder of Mijingo and former Vice President of Technology at Happy Cog, one of the premiere web design agencies, where he helped manage web projects for some of the most prominent brands in the world. Ryan has authored two books and numerous video courses for web designers and developers.

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