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Lean In: Navigating Gender Bias at Work

by Joan C Williams

Navigating Gender Bias at Work presented by LeanIn will outline strategies for recognizing biases in others and how to work with them for successful outcomes.

What you'll learn

The Navigating Gender Bias at Work course by University of California professor Joan C. Williams helps you spot the four patterns of gender bias that shape today's workplaces. It also offers proven strategies successful women use to navigate subtle bias at work.

The first video will explain how each of these gender biases plays out, and provide concrete, actionable strategies you can do today to successfully avoid and navigate these biases. After you’ve watched the introduction, explore additional lectures on each of the four forms of gender bias. First you'll see how women have to try twice as hard and show more skill than men to be viewed as equally capable. They end up having to "prove it again" and demonstrate the same abilities over and over. Tired of being called bossy when you're just doing your job? In this course, you'll navigate the tightrope women often face between being perceived as too “masculine” (and therefore respected, but not liked) and too “feminine” (and therefore liked, but not respected). Next you'll explore the biases that working moms often face – "the maternal wall." You'll discover how to handle claims from coworkers that you're no longer committed or competent after having children. You'll explore how you can fight those assumptions and be taken seriously as a professional. Finally, you'll learn about situations in which gender bias can actually cause conflict between women at work, and proven strategies successful women use to navigate this subtle bias.

Table of contents

4 Kinds of Gender Bias Women Face at Work
Why Women Have to Try Twice as Hard at Work
Why Women Have to Fight to Be Respected and Liked at Work
How to Deal with Bias against Working Moms
Why Gender Bias Can Cause Conflict between Women at Work

About the author

Described as having "something approaching rock star status" in her field by The New York Times Magazine, Joan C. Williams has helped to reshape the conversation about work, gender, and class over the past quarter century. Williams is a Distinguished Professor of Law, Hastings Foundation Chair, and Founding Director of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. She wrote the widely acclaimed 2014 book What Works for Women at Work (co-authored with d... more

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