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Kubernetes for Developers: Moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes

Do you need to move containers created with Docker Compose into Kubernetes for development or testing purposes? This course covers several solutions to simplify the process and introduces tools that support live development against Kubernetes.

Dan Wahlin - Pluralsight course - Kubernetes for Developers: Moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes
by Dan Wahlin

What you'll learn

As a developer, you may find that you need to move from the Docker Compose to Kubernetes. In this course, Kubernetes for Developers: Moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes, you'll be provided with a developer-focused look at how Docker Compose services map to Kubernetes resources, and the process for moving between the two environments. First, you'll learn about different techniques and tools that can be used to convert Docker Compose YAML to Kubernetes manifest YAML such as Kompose. Next, you'll discover how Kubernetes can be used for live development of an application using a tool called Skaffold. Finally, you'll learn how to use Kompose and Skaffold to move an application from Docker Compose to Kubernetes. By the end of the course, you'll understand the available options for moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes, and understand the different techniques that can help your productivity.

Table of contents

About the author

Dan Wahlin - Pluralsight course - Kubernetes for Developers: Moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes
Dan Wahlin

Dan Wahlin founded Wahlin Consulting, which provides consulting and training services on JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, and Docker. He is a Google GDE, Microsoft MVP and Regional Director, and speaks at conferences and user groups around the world.

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