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Kotlin Unit Testing with JUnit

This course will teach you how to use JUnit 5 to write unit tests for your Kotlin code.

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Kotlin Unit Testing with JUnit
by Kevin Jones

What you'll learn

Junit 5 is the de-facto standard testing framework on the JVM. It is used to test application code in many areas including enterprise, desktop and mobile applications.

This class will show how to setup Junit to test Kotlin code, including the some of the issues you will encounter that are unique to Kotlin.

The class will also extend some of the features of Junit, for example by using an assertions library to extend the range and flexibility of the assertions that are available. Finally we will look at ‘mocking’, something that JUnit does not provide itself, for this we will use the MockK, a mocking framework written in and for Kotlin.

Table of contents

About the author

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Kotlin Unit Testing with JUnit
Kevin Jones

Kevin has spent way too many years in the software industry. Starting on PL/1 on IBM mainframes then graduating through dBase IV to Windows and eventually onto Java, .Net and now JavaScript where he finally thinks he has found a home until the next new shiny comes along.

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