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Kotlin Coroutines Deep Dive

This course will touch on the internals of coroutines, and teach you how to use channels and flows inside your Android application

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Kotlin Coroutines Deep Dive
by Kevin Jones

What you'll learn

You may have heard the phrases ‘continuous passing style’ and ‘state machine’ applied to coroutines, but not understood what they are or how they work. In this course, Kotlin Coroutines Deep Dive, you’ll learn to communicate between coroutines using hot and cold streams of data. First, you’ll explore how to transfer data from a ‘hot’ data source using coroutine channels. Next, you’ll discover using flows to set up a cold data source. Finally, you'll learn how to exchange data using channels and flows. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of coroutines needed to compose asynchronous and event-based programs.

Table of contents

About the author

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Kotlin Coroutines Deep Dive
Kevin Jones

Kevin has spent way too many years in the software industry. Starting on PL/1 on IBM mainframes then graduating through dBase IV to Windows and eventually onto Java, .Net and now JavaScript where he finally thinks he has found a home until the next new shiny comes along.

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