Getting Started with JSON in C# Using Json.NET
JSON is a lightweight, human-readable, efficient, and easy to understand data interchange format. Learn how to serialize, deserialize, use LINQ to JSON, improve serialization performance, BSON, create schemas, validate JSON, and, in general, work with Json.NET.
What you'll learn
The rising popularity of the web, mainly around JavaScript related technologies, has given JSON a great deal of importance over other data interchange formats, like XML. JSON is a lightweight, human-readable, efficient, and easy to understand data interchange format. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. If you are a C# or .NET developer who needs to work with JSON, or even understand what JSON is, then this course is for you. In this course, we will learn how to serialize, deserialize, use LINQ To JSON, improve serialization performance, BSON, create schemas, validate JSON, and, in general, work with Json.NET, a popular, high performance, free, and open source JSON framework for .NET.
Table of contents
- Serialization Fundamentals 1m
- JsonSerializer and JsonConvert 1m
- Demo: Serialize and Deserialize 3m
- Demo: Object References 3m
- Demo: Dynamic and ExpandoObject 2m
- Demo: Serialization to Different Types 3m
- JsonTextReader and JsonTextWriter 1m
- Demo: JsonSerializer 4m
- Demo: JsonTextReader 2m
- Demo: JsonTextWriter 2m
- Dates in JSON and Json.NET 1m
- Demo: Dates in Json.NET 2m
- Error Handling 0m
- Dem: Error Handling 4m
- Takeaway 1m
- Settings and Attributes 1m
- Settings 2m
- Demo: MissingMemberHandling 3m
- Demo: ReferenceLoopHandling 2m
- Demo: NullValueHandling 2m
- Demo: DefaultValueHandling 4m
- Demo: ObjectCreationHandling 2m
- Demo: TypeNameHandling 2m
- Demo: FormatterAssemblyStyle 1m
- Demo: Binder 2m
- Demo: ConstructorHandling 1m
- Demo: MetadataPropertyHandling 2m
- Attributes 2m
- Demo: Attributes 3m
- Demo: MemberSerialization OptIn and OptOut 2m
- Demo: JsonProperty Attribute 2m
- Demo: JsonConverter Attribute 2m
- Demo: JsonConstructor Attribute 2m
- Demo: JsonExtensionData Attribute 1m
- Takeaway 1m
- Performance Tips 2m
- Write JSON Manually Instead of Serializing 1m
- Demo: Serialize & Deserialize Manually 6m
- JSON Fragments 0m
- Demo: JSON Fragments 3m
- JSON Populate 0m
- Demo: PopulateObject 2m
- JSON Merge 1m
- Demo: Merge 2m
- Performance Attributes 1m
- Demo: Performance with Attributes 3m
- Optimizing Memory Usage 1m
- Demo: Direct Reading Stream 2m
- Takeaway 1m
- LINQ to JSON 2m
- Create JSON Using LINQ 1m
- Demo: Create JSON Imperatively 2m
- Demo: Create JSON Declaratively 1m
- Demo: Create JSON from Object 2m
- Parsing JSON 1m
- Demo: Parse JSON from String 2m
- Demo: Parse JSON from Stream 1m
- Query JSON 1m
- Demo: Simple LINQ to JSON 3m
- Demo: Read Values from JSON Using LINQ 3m
- Demo: Querying JSON with LINQ 4m
- SelectToken 1m
- Demo: SelectToken 5m
- Annotations 1m
- Demo: Annotations 2m
- Takeaway 1m