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Anti-aging: Keeping Your Code Young and Thriving

This session focuses on slow code quality decreases over time, why it happens, and how you can combat it.

JavaScript & Friends - Pluralsight course - Anti-aging: Keeping Your Code Young and Thriving
by JavaScript & Friends

What you'll learn

This session focuses on slow code quality decreases over time, why it happens, and how you can combat it. Have you ever encountered a code base that you thought should be clean and easy to move about, but it turns into an unraveling nightmare? Why do code bases go bad? We'll explore this question in depth.

Table of contents

About the author

JavaScript & Friends - Pluralsight course - Anti-aging: Keeping Your Code Young and Thriving
JavaScript & Friends

The JavaScript and Friends Conference (JS&Friends) is a not-for-profit conference, organized by a team of volunteers.

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