- Core Tech
Java SE 11 Developer Certification 1Z0-819 Overview
Do you think OCP11 certificate is tough, or confusing, or not enjoyable? This course will teach you all you need to know about getting ready for the OCP11 exam and what you can expect from signing up, taking it, and after the exam.
What you'll learn
Knowing how to prepare and what to expect from the OCP11 exam can be confusing and demotivating. In this course, Java SE 11 Developer Certification 1Z0-819 Overview, you’ll learn how to get ready for the exam and what to expect. First, you’ll explore the benefits of getting your OCP11 and what topics you can expect. Next, you’ll discover how to prepare for them. Finally, you’ll learn how to do all the practical issues such as signing up for the exam and how to get your test results. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have knowledge of the OCP11 exam needed to get you kickstarted with your certification path.
About the author
Maaike is trainer and software developer. She has trained professionals in the field of Java, Spring, C#, Python, Scrum, React and Angular. Next to the practical training and programming experience, Maaike has a lot of experience with short technical consulting projects and providing learning solutions for complex software development departments.
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