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Jakarta EE 9 Messaging with RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is a cross-platform, cross-language ‘message broker.’ This course will teach you how to use RabbitMQ’s Java library to publish and consume messages. You will understand ‘Exchanges’ and ‘Queues’ and how to use different message patterns.

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Jakarta EE 9 Messaging with RabbitMQ
by Kevin Jones

What you'll learn

Message brokers provide a mechanism to loosely couple applications together, exchanging messages with the broker while not necessarily knowing much about each other. This allows applications to evolve independently of each other and for the entire system to scale. In this course, Jakarta EE 9 Messaging with RabbitMQ, you’ll learn to publish and consume messages using RabbitMQ, a cross-platform, language agnostic broker, which allows you to write clients in Java, C#, Python or any other language. First, you’ll explore what a message broker is and how to work with RabbitMQ. Next, you’ll discover how to publish and consume direct messages. Finally, you’ll learn how to use the different message patterns that RabbitMQ exposes such as publish/subscribe and routing. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of RabbitMQ needed to create highly decoupled applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Jakarta EE 9 Messaging with RabbitMQ
Kevin Jones

Kevin has spent way too many years in the software industry. Starting on PL/1 on IBM mainframes then graduating through dBase IV to Windows and eventually onto Java, .Net and now JavaScript where he finally thinks he has found a home until the next new shiny comes along.

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