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iOS 9 Mapping Fundamentals

iOS is a widely-used mobile platform and its maps can enhance your app. In this course, you will learn the basics of mapping in iOS, including how to handle permissions, draw on the map, customize the map and monitor iBeacons.

Corissa Jesseman - Pluralsight course - iOS 9 Mapping Fundamentals
by Corissa Jesseman

What you'll learn

One popular and useful feature of many iOS apps is mapping. This course, iOS Mapping Fundamentals, targets iOS developers who know how to develop for the iPhone and iPad and want to learn how to incorporate Apple Maps in their apps. First, you will learn how to display and interact with maps in OS. Next, you will learn how to track a user's location, display points, and lines on maps. Finally, you will learn how to customize maps with your own map images. When you're finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of iOS mapping that will help you as you move forward in developing iOS applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Corissa Jesseman - Pluralsight course - iOS 9 Mapping Fundamentals
Corissa Jesseman

Corissa is an experienced software developer with over 10 years of .Net and Objective C development experience.

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