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Debugging in iOS 17

by Corneile Britz

Welcome to the Debugging in iOS 17 course. This course will teach you to effectively surface, debug, rectify, and prevent bugs in your application.

What you'll learn

It often is difficult to identify bugs in your code beyond the obvious logic items. In this course, Debugging in iOS 17, you’ll learn to use the tools provided by Swift, SwiftUI, and Xcode to find the elusive bugs. First, you’ll explore what the common bugs are that you would encounter. Next, you’ll discover how to configure, leverage, and manage breakpoints. Finally, you’ll learn how to find errors when your application is already running, and out of range of the IDE. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of debugging iOS 17 needed to not only find bugs, but implement the ability to find bugs when users are working with it. The entire course will follow an approach of identifying bugs in the code, but also rectifying each as they are covered.

About the author

I am passionate about driving efficiency through code, automation and transparency, with 20+ years of experience in software development, DevOps, Observability and Reliability Engineering. This led me to become the world's first certified ICAgile DevOps expert, with a drive to provide content and learning to other developers. My day-to-day technical focus is Go, Grafana, Prometheus and VueJS, which are used to build my organisations' own platforms.

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