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Inventor Essentials – Patterns and Symmetry

This course will show users how create symmetry and patterns in the sketch, part, and assembly environment. Software required: Autodesk Inventor 2016.

Javier Chavez - Pluralsight course - Inventor Essentials – Patterns and Symmetry
by Javier Chavez

What you'll learn

Get some help with learning how to leverage patterns and symmetry tools to create parts and assemblies as efficiently as possible. In this course, Inventor Essentials – Patterns and Symmetry, you'll learn how to create symmetry and patterns in the sketch, part, and assembly environment. First, you'll discover how to recognize and generate rectangular and circular patterns in Parts. Next, you'll cover how to build parts with symmetrical features. Finally, you'll explore how to create both patterns and symmetry in an assembly environment. By the end of this course, you'll know how to streamline the process of creating parts and assemblies. Software required: Autodesk Inventor 2016.

Table of contents

About the author

Javier Chavez - Pluralsight course - Inventor Essentials – Patterns and Symmetry
Javier Chavez

A Certified Inventor Expert, Javier spent more than ten years designing motorhomes and travel trailers for the leading manufacturer of recreational vehicles in the Southern California. Admired for his patience and knowledge of products and processes, Javier currently works as an Application Engineer for KETIV Technologies training manufacturing organizations on various 2D, 3D, and Data Management Applications.

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