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Introduction to Unity 4

In this series of Unity tutorials, we are going to learn about the core features in Unity. Software required: Unity 4.1.

Joshua Kinney - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Unity 4
by Joshua Kinney

What you'll learn

In this series of Unity tutorials, we are going to learn about the core features in Unity. We will start out by learning the Unity Interface where we'll talk about the different panels and tools available in the Unity editor. From there we'll learn how to properly export and import assets into Unity. With those assets imported, we'll discuss how to create prefabs that will help us speed up the construction process of our level. Then we'll learn how to create and apply materials to our level prefabs. Then we'll take our textured prefabs and build a simple game environment. Once the base level has been built, we will talk about adding props and set dressing our level. From there we'll continue full speed by learning how to add lights, particles, and physics objects. Once we're happy with our level, we'll jump into scripting in Unity. We'll learn how to create a random player spawn, a HUD, item pickups, and so much more. Finally, we'll end the course with how to publish our game to the platform of our choosing. Software required: Unity 4.1.

Table of contents

About the author

Joshua Kinney - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Unity 4
Joshua Kinney

Joshua is a devoted games author at Pluralsight. For years Joshua was a key author behind Digital-Tutors' (now a Pluralsight company) popular game engine training. As a kid, he had a passion for playing video games, which eventually developed into a fascination with the process of game creation. The question of "How'd they do that?" led Joshua on a quest to learn to make these games himself. Ever since then, Joshua has devoted his life to creating games, as well as teaching others to build their own fantastic video games.

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