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Introduction to Rancher

An introduction to the Rancher tool for managing Kubernetes.

Pluralsight - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Rancher
by Pluralsight

What you'll learn

Howdy there, partner. Managing a Kubernetes cluster can be a challenge, and managing a bunch of them can be, well, like herding cattle. That’s where Rancher comes in — Rancher is a free, open-source tool that allows you to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, even in different clouds (e.g., EKS, AKS, GKE) and data centers. Rancher makes it easier to keep all your clusters up to date and secured so you and your teams can focus on developing cool new apps and features. In this course, we will go over what Rancher is, how it works, how to set it up, and how to navigate around Rancher.

Table of contents

About the author

Pluralsight - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Rancher

The Cloud Content team comprises subject matter experts hyper focused on services offered by the leading cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, and Azure), as well as cloud-related technologies such as Linux and DevOps. The team is thrilled to share their knowledge to help you build modern tech solutions from the ground up, secure and optimize your environments, and so much more!

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