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Introduction to Rigging in Maya

In this set of tutorials we will learn about the amazing rigging tools inside of Maya. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2015.

What you'll learn

In this set of tutorials we will learn about the amazing rigging tools inside of Maya. We'll start by learning how to establish solid naming conventions to work with Maya's joint and IK tools. We'll then learn tips and techniques that will help us rig efficiently while maintaining quality in the control systems we design. We'll learn how to implement robust and intuitive rigging features with the help of custom channels and the Node Editor, how to rig with deformers, as well as skinning techniques that we can utilize to get great results from our deformations while saving time in the process. We'll even learn how Maya's interface can be customized to help us work a little faster. By the end of this training, you will be comfortable enough with Maya's rigging tools to rig your own assets. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2015.

Table of contents