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Introduction to Game Development with Unity

Learn to develop a high-quality 3D game for web, PC, Mac or even Linux using Unity. Game development can be fun and very rewarding when publishing a hit game to the iOS App Store or Android Market.

Alexander Zanfir - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Game Development with Unity
by Alexander Zanfir

What you'll learn

Learn how to make a high quality 3D Game ready for publishing to the App Store or Web like Facebook in about 3 hours. Discover Agile Game Development design principles and practices geared towards Unity3D and .Net. Learn how to create, acquire, modify and integrate AAA quality assets such as sounds, music and 3D models. By the end of this course you will have a survival game which you can publish and play with your friends and family or continue to develop into your own custom creation. Some C# and .Net experience recommended.

Table of contents

About the author

Alexander Zanfir - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Game Development with Unity
Alexander Zanfir

Alexander has been an IT Instructor, Developer, and now President at SocialPlay inc.

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