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Integrating Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows

This hands-on course walks through the process of integrating a Dockerized app into a DevOps style automated workflow that includes Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) elements. The course will include configuring Docker Hub Automated Build repositories and Docker Hub Webhooks.

Nigel Poulton - Pluralsight course - Integrating Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows
by Nigel Poulton

What you'll learn

This course walks through the process of integrating a Dockerized app with DevOps style automated workflows. A small node.js web app (and small test) will be uploaded and tracked on GitHub. GitHub will be configured to inform the CircleCI platform whenever code updates are committed and pushed. CircleCI will perform test builds. Upon successful test builds, CircleCI will inform Docker Hub, which in turn will trigger a new Automated Build and inform the Tutum container platform. Tutum will then pull the new Docker image and deploy it as a container on the Amazon Web Service platform. The entire end-to-end workflow will be described and implemented in extensive demos, as well as demonstrating bugs in the app code and pushing fixes to production.

Table of contents

About the author

Nigel Poulton - Pluralsight course - Integrating Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows
Nigel Poulton

Nigel is a Docker Captain and popular technology author. He is known for his engaging videos and books on cloud-native technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

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