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Initial Access with King Phisher

King Phisher is a feature-rich tool for coordinating and monitoring successful phishing campaigns to further red teaming objectives towards initial access. In this course, you will learn initial access using King Phisher.

Jeff Stein  - Pluralsight course - Initial Access with King Phisher
by Jeff Stein

What you'll learn

Through the use of phishing techniques, you'll learn the skills and understanding to further your red teaming objectives towards initial access. In this course, Initial Access with King Phisher, you’ll see how to utilize King Phisher to execute a phishing attack in a red team environment. First, you’ll demonstrate your ability to identify a victim and enumerate DNS to craft a successful phishing campaign. Next, you’ll apply a spearphishing technique to target a victim. Finally, you’ll simulate harvesting victim credentials by crafting a landing page to use in the attack. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to execute these techniques. Phishing: Spearphishing Link-T1566.002 & Valid Accounts-T1078 using King Phisher.

Table of contents

About the author

Jeff Stein  - Pluralsight course - Initial Access with King Phisher
Jeff Stein

Jeff Stein is an Information Security Architect. He holds a master’s degree in Information Security & Assurance and numerous security and IT certifications, including his CISSP.

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