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Implementing Terraform with AWS

In this course, you’ll learn about the nuances of deploying infrastructure as code on Amazon Web Services with Terraform, and how to leverage services in AWS to improve your Terraform configurations and deployments.

Ned Bellavance - Pluralsight course - Implementing Terraform with AWS
by Ned Bellavance

What you'll learn

Terraform is a powerful tool to automate the deployment of your infrastructure across multiple clouds, both public and private. In this course, Implementing Terraform on AWS, you’ll learn about the nuances of deploying infrastructure as code on Amazon Web Services with Terraform, and leveraging services in AWS to improve your Terraform automation. First, you’ll explore the AWS provider and learn how to authenticate and create multiple instances for different accounts and regions. Next, you’ll discover how to leverage S3 and DynamoDB for remote state storage and use AWS data sources. Finally, you’ll understand how to incorporate AWS Code tools to add source control and deployment automation to your Terraform configuration. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of using Terraform needed to deploy and manage infrastructure as code on AWS.

Table of contents

About the author

Ned Bellavance - Pluralsight course - Implementing Terraform with AWS
Ned Bellavance

Ned Bellavance is an IT professional and Microsoft MVP with almost 20 years of experience in the industry. Passionate about technology, he is always looking to embrace future trends and share new discoveries with the community.

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