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Illustrating a Fantasy Pinup in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we'll cover how you can start bringing your pinups to life. Software required: Photoshop CC 14.0.

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, we'll cover how you can start bringing your pinups to life. We'll begin this process by sketching out lines of action and simple shapes to nail down the pose of our pinup. Following this, we'll sketch additional features over our pose to establish the overall design of our fantasy pinup. Next, we'll begin blocking some base colors for our pinup's skin and overall attire. From here, we'll spend several lessons blending and refining the various attributes of our fantasy pinup, starting with her skin and then her overall attire. Along the way, we'll discuss mixing color palettes, integrating additional colors from your environment, and brush settings. Finally, we'll finish by making some final edits and touch-ups to our pinup by using some effective tools in Photoshop. Software required: Photoshop CC 14.0.

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