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Identity and Privilege: Decoding IAM vs. PAM

Join Tim Warner in this short TechTalk to learn how these frameworks work together to keep your enterprise safe. We’ll break down industry solutions, use cases, and AI-driven innovations that help secure your sensitive data and privileged accounts.

Tim Warner - Pluralsight course - Identity and Privilege: Decoding IAM vs. PAM
by Tim Warner
Chris Jackson - Pluralsight course - Identity and Privilege: Decoding IAM vs. PAM
by Chris Jackson

What you'll learn

Access control in today’s IT environments is critical, and that’s where Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Privileged Access Management (PAM) come in. But what’s the difference between them, and how do they work together to secure your enterprise?

In this TechTalk, Tim Warner explains how IAM governs general user access, while PAM focuses on protecting sensitive, high-value accounts with elevated privileges. Learn how generative AI is transforming access control with automation and anomaly detection. Whether you’re an IT manager, an MSP, or a system administrator, you’ll walk away with actionable tips to improve your environment’s security posture.

Table of contents

About the authors

Tim Warner - Pluralsight course - Identity and Privilege: Decoding IAM vs. PAM
Tim Warner

Timothy Warner is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Cloud and Datacenter Management who is based in Nashville, TN.

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Chris Jackson - Pluralsight course - Identity and Privilege: Decoding IAM vs. PAM
Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson is a cybersecurity professional with years of experience in identifying security incidents, securing applications and security training. Over the years, he has tested web applications for vulnerabilities, helped deploy SIEM platforms and more. He is passionate about teaching cybersecurity and committed to learning new technologies.

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