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Identifying Opportunities for Generative AI in Your Organization

by Ana Voicu

This course will teach you how to identify, evaluate, and implement generative AI opportunities within your company to achieve strategic business goals.

What you'll learn

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, generative AI offers transformative potential for businesses. This course will solve the problem of identifying and effectively implementing generative AI opportunities in a company, helping businesses leverage AI to enhance efficiency, and achieve strategic objectives. In this course, Identifying Opportunities for Generative AI in Your Organization, you’ll learn to strategically identify, evaluate, and implement generative AI opportunities within a business First, you’ll conduct a needs assessment to determine areas for AI. Next, you’ll evaluate current processes and workflows that can benefit from AI within an organization. Finally, you’ll learn how to evaluate the feasibility and impact of AI projects. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of creating a detailed plan needed to implement generative AI opportunities in your company.

About the author

Ana Voicu is a seasoned data engineer with a deep passion for databases, business intelligence, and data science. She specializes in developing enterprise-level Business Intelligence solutions across diverse industries, focusing on performance optimization, pattern recognition, efficient business process analysis, and interactive visualizations. Ana thrives on tackling database performance challenges, particularly those involving high data volume applications. Beyond her technical expertise, she... more

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