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Making .NET Data Types More Human With Humanizer

Create better user experiences that feel more human.

Jason Roberts - Pluralsight course - Making .NET Data Types More Human With Humanizer
by Jason Roberts

What you'll learn

Have you ever seen things like "view your order(s)" in an application? If we know how many orders there are, we should pluralize the word "order" appropriately. Another example is showing detailed dates and times when a more simple format like "2 days ago," "yesterday," or "tomorrow" is a more appropriate, more human representation of the data. Humanizer also makes it trivial to convert computerized strings such as Pascal case method names into normal sentences, or turn numeric values into word equivalents. It even makes it easy to work with byte sizes such as writing (10.605).Kilobytes() and creating strings such as "10.61 KB" or ".01 MB". Scenarios like these are made easy with Humanizer, without us having to write and test the code ourselves.

Table of contents

About the author

Jason Roberts - Pluralsight course - Making .NET Data Types More Human With Humanizer
Jason Roberts

With over 15 years experience, Jason Roberts is a Microsoft .NET MVP, freelance developer, and author.

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