- Security
Network Protocols for Security: HTTP
In this course, you'll practice creating network traffic and inspecting the behavior of web traffic. When you're finished, you'll have a fundamental understanding on how to find anomalies within HTTP.
What you'll learn
Understanding how network protocols operate is an implied skill required to be successful in cyber security. In this course, Network Protocols for Security: HTTP, you’ll learn to analyze HTTP network traffic. First, you’ll explore some Apache web logs to understand the various fields in HTTP conversations. Next, you’ll discover how to analyze anomalies by inspecting the user agent field. Finally, you’ll learn another capability of HTTP by looking at an attacker’s perspective. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of HTTP needed to find anomalies and malicious activity amongst network traffic.
Table of contents
About the author
Brandon is a Sr. Security Author at Pluralsight. Prior Experience with Elastic and FL Air National Guard includes threat hunting, security analytics, and incident response.
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